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Sistema de irrigação

Territorial analysis for the development of irrigated agriculture in Brazil

(2014-2015) This spatial modeling study with national coverage considered the irrigated and additionally irrigable agricultural area of Brazil in the context of its public and private governance, considering the physical dimension of the process (eg river flow, natural rainfall, agricultural productivity) in combination with environmental, social and economic issues. 


The simplified and aggregated representations of the many topics treated through classification keys and the products offered for the execution of the developed methodology allow non-specialized users to understand the results in a narrative way, in addition to generating and testing scenarios without compromising the quantitative nature of the methods and the precise spatial representation of the variables. In these aspects, the study is pioneering. 


Of the irrigated area, currently, 37% (2.2Mha) has the possibility of expansion due to the depletion of the water available in its basins. Another 44% (2.7Mha) of irrigation are located in regions where there is significant possibility of expansion, but outside areas of priority for public intervention. The areas where there is possibility of expansion and justify more expressive public intervention aiming at regional sustainable development represent 19% of the irrigated area (1.1Mha) and contain 36% of the additional capacity of irrigable area (27Mha). It should be noted that this study, in the form of its Final Technical Report, became an integral part of the National Irrigation Plan, through Ordinance No. 115, of June 18, 2015, of the Ministry of National Integration.


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