
Territorial analysis and policies for agrarian development
(2013) The study sought to build a spatially explicit model for converting synthetic variables of interest to agricultural development, namely: the economic characteristics of agriculture; the income of the population; the agricultural suitability of the land for production; and the elements of environmental conservation. This model was converted into an automated query system, aiming at the managerial use of the data produced by the directors of the then Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA).
The system consists of 4 modules:
1) clipping processing system - spreadsheet suitable for processing the databases and model clipping variables (biomes, agricultural border demarcation and use classes), which provides the result of the combination proposed by the user according to the different classes territorial;
2) strategic agricultural information by municipality - aimed at providing information of interest to the agrarian policy of each of the Brazilian municipalities, with information extracted from the Agricultural Census, referring to the numbers of establishments and the area of family and non-family agriculture, the land extensions of each of the four variables, agricultural frontier data, biomes and land use classes, information regarding the micro and mesoregion of insertion of the municipality and land price data;
3) processing of strategic information for sets of municipalities - application that allows a consultation of the information of territorial classes for a set of municipalities;
4) link analysis - makes it possible to identify the correlation between the governmental actions implemented by the MDA and the territorial classes, allowing the user, in an interactive way, to assess whether the direction of the action is taking place in the priority municipalities.