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sustainable use of
water resources


In 2014, the GPP, at the request of the then Ministry of National Integration (MI), started a study of spatial modeling of national coverage in order to verify the areas that could be adopted by irrigated agriculture, through an explicit territorial analysis that contemplated the physical dimension. of the territory (river flow, natural rainfall, agricultural suitability, among other variables) in combination with environmental, social and economic issues. Developments of this pioneering study took place with the development of new works, always incorporating updated databases and tools for more efficient processing and modeling, capable of guiding different strategies for each portion of the Brazilian territory. An important development was the study carried out with the Ministry of Regional Development (MDR), in partnership with the National Water Agency (ANA), which indicates the potential areas for the adoption of irrigated agriculture in Brazil, with different degrees of priority and strategies of action based on the availability of infrastructure and irrigated agriculture already installed. The study supported the elaboration of the Immediate Action Plan for Irrigated Agriculture in Brazil for the period 2020-2030 and its results contributed to the construction of the Atlas Irrigation 2021: Use of Water in Irrigated Agriculture (2nd edition), an ANA initiative.


These experiences focused on irrigated agriculture, the main consumptive use of water in rural areas,  enabled the GPP to act in a comprehensive and multidisciplinary way on the theme “sustainable use of water resources”.

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