In Thailand, GPP shows the impacts of Brazilian Low-Carbon Agriculture Plan until 2030
Family farming is a challenge for the next legislature, assesses GPP researcher on Rádio Câmara
GPP contributes to a study that assesses sustainability policies for soy
GPP and UNEP start study on the impacts of the recovery of degraded pastures in the Legal Amazon
At a roundtable, GPP presents IFAD with opportunities for digitization in rural areas
In a book on hunger in Brazil, GPP researchers discuss the dynamics of agricultural production
Potential and limitations of biomes are the subject of a study by the GPP with Sebrae
Irrigated agriculture is strategic for food sovereignty, says GPP expert
GPP researchers win Kepler Prize for mathematical model for land use
Updating ITR can contribute R$ 16.8 billion to public coffers, says study with collaboration of the
Study points out paths to sustainable agricultural innovation; GPP members collaborate
Pasture recovery helped GDP to grow by R$ 17 billion, points out Esalq
GPP and Imaflora launch study on food production in Brazil