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Family farming is a challenge for the next legislature, assesses GPP researcher on Rádio Câmara

In an interview with the program Painel Eletrônico, on Rádio Câmara, the researcher from the GPP/Esalq Sérgio Paganini evaluated the role of the National Congress in relation to policies aimed at the Brazilian rural sector. In his analysis, although support for the development of agribusiness is quite effective, with consolidated public policies, such as the Safra Plan and an extensive credit system, there is still much to be done in relation to policies aimed at family farming.

“Family farming is normally linked to the supply of local markets, to the supply of important foods for healthy eating, to local traditions and consumption habits. This set of elements ensures that you have greater food security and helps to alleviate the issue of hunger,” he says.

Among the challenges to be faced by the next legislature, Paganini also points out the need to advance more sustainable production, in line with the technological development witnessed in recent decades. In addition, the researcher considers that the scope of technical assistance to small producers should be broader. “Bringing knowledge and disseminating technologies to the field is of fundamental importance”, he defends.

Listen to the full interview on Spotify or directly on the Chamber of Deputies website.


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GPP - Public Policy Group

Av. Pádua Dias 11 - CEP 13418-900
Department of Vegetable Production
(19) 3447-8859 |
Piracicaba | Sao Paulo | Brazil

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